
Turning caffeine into code...

First Post! New Domain New Blog Engine

Well I am a little late on my New Year’s resolution to redo my blog and this year actually try to post on a regular basis.

I decided to do a little rebranding and pick a new blog engine. In the end I picked Octopress.

My original blog used WordPress which worked fine for its time, however it was a little overweight for my needs. I still think that WordPress is a good application. I continue recommend and use it for some of my side work.

Octopress appealed to me for a few reasons.

  1. It was just static HTML in the end. Simple to host and maintain.
  2. Had a nice look and feel out of the box, but allowed for easy customization.
  3. Posts / pages are just text files. (My name is Joe and I am a Vim addict)
  4. Code formatting / sharing is drop dead simple.
  5. Ability to import posts from WordPress

In the end since I only had a handful of old posts, and there wasn’t a lot of substance I didn’t end up importing anything besides a few drafts which needed finishing.

I did run into a couple of gotchas getting up and running, which I will write up in future posts.